Most Outstanding Greek Advisor Of The Year: Dave Leathers

Good morning brothers! I hope all is well with everyone.

We are currently on Monday of Week 9 in Spring term. We don’t have a lot of news as a chapter this term because we aren’t allowed to operate normally. However, our very own Hi Pi and brother Dave Leathers brought home Oregon State’’ “Most Outstanding Greek Advisor Of The Year” award for 2020!

Dave makes continuous sacrifices and tough decisions to help the brothers of Alpha Lambda keep growing not only in member size, but in becoming better men as well. He’s a role model we’re very lucky to have around, and this was very well deserved.

Congratulations Dave!

High Rho

AΛ 1984

Philanthropy: Can You Dash?

It was another amazing weekend for Alpha Lambda!

On Saturday, brothers and members of the community participated in our annual winter philanthropy “Can you Dash?” — a canned food and winter clothing drive door to door around the suburbs of Corvallis.

As always, 100% of what we get is donated to our partner Community Outreach Inc. This year we were able to donate 1,000 meals and a large variety of winter clothes.

Special shoutout to High Theta Quinn Wilson for running an amazing event (his first one too!) 

While Quinn was busy helping to eradicate hunger from the community of Corvallis, the rest of the high zeta was having a retreat with our brothers from the University of Oregon. It was an amazing day and we are happy to be working more closely with them in the future!